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Technology and Me

Technology is like fire and wheel.

Hey there —

I’m Arya, a tech professional, a passionate photographer, and a listener.

Explore the world as it turns every 24 hours with new unique things it presents in front of me. Lovely people to horrible all have something to share, teach, and left behind some or other foot mark. These sometimes become my inspiration sometimes it becomes bitter chill. These are like piano keys black and white up and down and as a whole make a pattern. Life is that pattern for me.

Let's explore it.

The inspiration :

Thinking and doing a thing are driven by two different notions. We can think here to the moon in an instant, writing (doing) the same takes a lot of effort. At least during the initial days. When we write we think more between the lines than we think. So slowly I'm finding that writing is the backbone of chronological thinking. It takes the initial push, and courage to start with.
Subhabrata Bannerjee - Youtuber

Kaushik Pal - Youtuber

Ali Abdal - Productivity speaker Youtube

As they say, documenting is important. Years later it takes us back to our initial mindset days after we reach a pro-level! And that reminds us how to be a beginner again - the beginner mindset. Documenting/writing/vlogging quality will improve with time and practice. Here I have named three persons. Whom I can refer to as my inspiration (online).

Conclusion :

Let's start...
Follow me @ https://aryabphoto.comtwitter | facebook | instagram


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